
The Proposal...

Well, to be honest, there really hasn't been an official proposal as of yet. We talk of getting married on a daily basis, have been shopping for rings (a simple round, brilliant solitaire with eternity band for me...something thick and platinum for him), narrowed down a time frame (January or March of 2008)...even booked a honeymoon (Alaska...Eeeee! I get so excited just thinking about it!). So what's the hold up you ask?!?!

That's what I'd like to know!

Seriously though, I did one day mention to Bob that even though I'd been married before, I'd never received a "proper" proposal. What I meant by that was having someone profess their undying love and devotion, while dropping to one knee and begging me for the honour of becoming my husband. The whole idea sounds so sticky sweet romantic, and I truly am an old fashioned type of gal, and as cheeky as it sounds, I feel as though I deserve all the bells and whistles.

Now before you get all soapbox-ish on me, I know all about the fact that this is the year 2007 and we've come along way bay-bee, but I want what I want. Bob knows this, respects this and even though in the throes of passion proposes to me on a nightly basis, I have no doubt that he will do it up right when the time comes. In the meantime, I'm happy just knowing that I am once again going to be his Mrs. Bob, no matter what.

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