Happy Halloween Everyone!
This day has already started off on a busy note. I suppose that's what you get when you are raising a 5-year old boy and it's his favorite holiday of the year! We woke up before sunrise just to pack up all the day's necessities. LB is going to be in the annual Halloween parade this afternoon as well as participating in a party at Kindergarten. Needless to say, there were numerous trips to the car to haul all the goodies he needed for school. Now that's he's finally been dropped off safe and sound, I can take a breather and post an update! At least until it's Trick or Treating time...then it all begins again. Lucky me. haha!Happy Birthday!
I cannot let today go by without mentioning that right this second, as I type this, one of my dearest and bestest friends is giving birth to her new baby girl. So...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY K!!!!
I can wait to pinch on her! After so many long years of wishing and hoping and praying for a miracle, today is the day the world is blessed with the new little princess' presence.And happy, happy me, won the "guess the baby birthday" pool, so I do believe I'm about $20 richer. WhooHoo! Even more reason for celebrating!
Happy to be done!
And, as promised, here are the updated bouquet pics! I just know you were all chomping at the bit to get a look, right?! 
Hi. I found your FABULOUS blog via WeddingBee. I absolutely love love love your story and hope you don't mind if I follow along to see how it all goes. Congratulations to you and Bob! and best wishes on a one-of-a-kind, truly mesmerizing wedding planning story.
Hello Chaegan! :) Your comment is too sweet. Thanks SO much!
Of course you can follow along! And feel free to comment. We love knowing ther are others out there who are interested in our little story. We also need all the help we can get in trying to pull this off! Your comments are ALWAYS welcome.
I see you have a blog as well, but no posts. Are you planning on starting?
Don't change the bouquet at all!!!! I absolutely, completely and totally love it!
Aw! Thanks Erin! You're a doll! I really appreciate the compliment.
Hi Delilah,
I do have a blog but have been keeping it secret and under wraps until I get a reply from weddingbee . . . I have applied to be a blogger and am awaiting a no-thank-you or Yes-we-love-you! However, I could use some feedback and if you want to see it, please e-mail me at chaegan at hotmail dot com.
And, I whole-heartedly agree with Erin ~ your bouquet is perfection, don't change a thing. Absolutely stunning!
Oh, a BEE?!? How exciting! I will be crossing my crossables that you make it. And OF COURSE! I'd love to read your blog so far. I am by no means a blogging expert, but I'd be happy to offer you my opinions. I'll drop you an email this afternoon with a request for the link.
And thanks ever so much for the sweet words. You are too kind.
Awww, this is just so exciting.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
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