
So Inviting....and a teeny-tiny decor theme idea.

I'm so torn as to how to go about getting people to actually attend our surprisebirthdaypartywedding. On one hand, I just want to send along conventional birthday party invitations and be done with it, but on the other, I sort of feel as if I am misleading my friends and family a wee bit. After all, we actually ARE misleading them...and more than a little bit, but I'm hoping they will be understanding and genuinely happy for us instead of feeling tricked. I also am finding myself feeling more and more like a bride, and wanting a few keepsakes of the day.

What's a confused birthday bride-to-be to do?

In an effort to compromise with myself, I've come up with the following...
I didn't directly come out and SAY it was a surprise BIRTHDAY party, but I think when Bob hand delivers them, he can make mention of it being a birthday celebration and people will assume. Does this sound feasible? Or are these invites a dead give-away? Should we keep the invite as-is but change the text to mention a surprise BIRTHDAY party instead? Are we being horribly dishonest or just telling a teeny white-lie?

Also, it seems we've started to see a bit of a theme developing in our planning. There will be birds...lovebirds! Not over-the-top, everywhere on everything...just a few scattered here and there. I think it suits us.

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